52 Questions in 52 Weeks

Posted by Mikenna on Wednesday, January 8, 2014.
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For some reason I'm liking these year-long projects. I'm doing 365 Days of Joy on Instagram, now I wanna do this.

Each week of the year, I will answer these questions in a blog post. I'm not even sure if I'm gonna tell people (via Facebook) that I'm doing this. This is just for fun...and if I decide to quit, then it's no biggie.

Here are the questions:

  1. What is your full name? Why did your parents give you that name?
  2. When and where were you born? Describe your home, your neighborhood and the town you grew up in.
  3. Tell me about your father (his name, birth date, birthplace, parents, etc.) Can you share some memories you have of your father?
  4. Tell me about your mother (hers name, birth date, birthplace, parents, etc.) Can you share some memories you have of your mother?
  5. What kind of work did your parents do (farm, salesman, manager, seamstress, nurse, stay at home mom, professional/laborer, etc.)
  6. Have any of your family members died yet?  If so, what do remember of their death and what were the circumstances of their death?
  7. What kind of hardships or tragedies did your family experience while you were growing up?
  8. What are the names of your brothers and sisters? Describe one or more things that stand out in your mind about each of your siblings.
  9. What were some of the family traditions that you remember?
  10. Did your family have special ways of celebrating specific holidays?
  11. Share a few memories of your grandparents.
  12. Did your grandparents live close by? If so, how much were they involved in your life?  If they lived far away did you ever travel to visit them?  What was that like?
  13. Do you have any aunts, uncles, or cousins who really stand out in your mind? Write something about them (names, personalities, events that you remember doing with them, etc.)
  14. Where did you go to school? What was school like for you?
  15. What were your favorite subjects in school? Why?
  16. What subjects did you like the least?  Why?
  17. If you went on to get a college or vocational education, what school did you go to? What did you study? What memories do you have of those years?
  18. What do you see as your personal strengths?
  19. What were some of the challenges you faced growing up?
  20. What medical issues have you had to deal with throughout your life?
  21. Was religion an important part of your family life? If so, what religion did your family practice and what did it mean to you? Is it still an important part of your life today? If religion was/is not a part of your life, why isn’t it?
  22. Who were some of your friends in school? What were they like? What ever happened to them?
  23. What foods do you like?  Dislike?
  24. Where there two or three dishes your mother or father made that makes you smile every time you think of them?
  25. How did you meet your spouse?
  26. How would you describe your spouse?
  27. What was your courtship like?
  28. Share some stories about your spouse?
  29. How many children do you have?  What are their names?  Share a few memories about each of your children.
  30. What were some of the major community, national and world events you lived through?
  31. How did some of these events change your life?
  32. What are some of your life philosophies or life views that you would share with others.
  33. What are some of the personal values that are very important to you? What have you done (are you doing now) to teach these values to your children?
  34. Thinking of people throughout the world and throughout time. List at least 5 people who you would categorize as truly great men or woman. What did they do to be great in your mind?
  35. List 20 or more things that make you happy.
  36. List 20 things or more that you think the world would be so much better off without.
  37. List 20 interesting things you’ve experienced in your lifetime.
  38. If you could spend a day with any famous person in the world, who would it be and what would you do during your day with him/her?
  39. What scares you?
  40. Share a few of the deeply moving (spiritual) experiences you’ve had in your life?
  41. What advice would you pass on about raising children that you learned from raising your own children?
  42. What are some of your talents? How did you discover them? What have you done to cultivate and improve them?
  43. What were some of the truly life changing experiences you went through. How did you handle them? In what ways did they change you?
  44. What did you do for a career? Why did you choose to go into this career?
  45. What were some of the jobs you had throughout your life? Were there memorable experiences you had with any of those jobs?
  46. What would you consider as two or three truly significant challenges in your life so far?
  47. What are some of the life lessons that you would like to pass on to your posterity?
  48. How many places have you lived. Provide a brief description of each place you’ve lived and why you lived there.
  49. If you could go back in time and do things over again, what would you change?
  50. When all is said and done, what do you want to be remembered for? What are you doing now to make that happen?
  51. What kind of health issues have you experienced?
  52. What were some of your more memorable vacations?

I will blog my answer on Friday. Since Friday the 3rd passed, here is my answer to the first question:

What is your full name? Why did your parents give you that name?

My full name is Mikenna Elizabeth White...Rapp? Rapp is my maiden name. My first name came from the movie Somewhere in Time. The lead female character's name was Elise McKenna. My parents just chose to spell it differently. Not sure where the middle name came from...maybe just because they liked how it sounded?