One is Silver and the Other Gold

Posted by Mikenna on Friday, November 15, 2013.
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I recently have made a pretty tough, but also easy?, decision. I recently (well, I guess it was about 2 weeks ago) learned that my old position at Sycamore was going to be available as an internal posting. The woman who was hired when I took my leave of absence last year got a teaching job.

I always thought if my old position was up for grabs again, I would immediately get to work on whatever I needed to do to try to get it back. Yet when that became reality, I hesitated. Not because I doubted whether or not my heart wanted to go back there, but because of the relationships and attachments that have been formed at Horizon. I have become attached to the kids I work with, which usually happens.

I sat on my couch and thought. And prayed. Called my mom. Talked to Sean. Talked to a few friends. Thought and prayed more.

Ultimately I decided to submit my resume and letter of interest. I turned it in the next day with anxiety but excitement at the possibility of being reunited with my Trenchies.

Myself, Nes, Gek, and Mo (whom is now a kindergarten teacher)

And I waited. It felt like forever. Plus, I didn't want to say anything to my new friends at Horizon until/if it was a done deal. The deadline for resumes was November 7th. I thought maybe I would hear by that evening or the 8th, but no word. The Trenchies had not heard anything either. There was hope we would hear by Monday the 11th. Thankfully, my weekend was busy enough to where I wasn't too anxious. Plus, I really ultimately trust(ed) God. I thought of all the ways He has blessed me and cared for me. I knew whatever happened would be His will. 

Monday morning came and I thought maybe I'd hear by that evening. Maybe I would get a phone call from Nes or an email from Scott (HR). But that morning I was told in person that I was the only person who had applied for the position and it was mine to accept or reject. I accepted and start at Sycamore on Monday (the 18th)! 

Though Sycamore feels like home, it is bittersweet to be leaving Horizon. I have loved Horizon. The team of teachers I have been working with are absolutely amazing and have already taught me so much! Maybe I will teach with them some day...oh, if I could merge Sycamore & Horizon...that would be the best! Sycamore is my home, but I consider Horizon to be my second home now. It reminds me of the song we would sing at Girl Scouts..."make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold" although now I don't know which friends are the new and which are the old? Maybe they're the same time.

The students do not know as of right now. I will tell them today. I made fruit salad (with mini marshmallows on the side) to help ease the blow for some of them. I've formed relationships not only with the student that I was assigned to, but others in the classroom. 

Today will be a sad day, but I am anxious for Monday!